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Plant, 14 years and under: Will Nelson, 'Walnut leaf', Alexandra, Central Otago.
Plant, 14 years and under (highly commended): Fergus McMullan, 'Poppy pollinators', Omakau, Central Otago.
Plant, 14 years and under (highly commended): Rata McMullan, 'Slice of kiwifruit', Oamaru, North Otago.
Jury prize winner: Jack Aubin, 'Okarito occupant', Okarito Lagoon, West Coast.
Animal, 14 years and under: Jack Aubin, 'Little brown tree frog out on a limb', Naseby swimming dam, Otago.
Animal, 14 years and under (highly commended): Tomas Whelan-Henderson, 'Turtle', Australia
Overall winner, animal, 15 years and over: Riley Baker, 'Fernbird calling', Orokonui Ecosanctuary, Dunedin.
Highly commended, animal, 15 years and over: John Moran, 'Humpback whale mother and calf", Kingdom of Tonga.
Highly commended, animal, 15 years and over: David Steer, 'Fly', Macandrew Bay, Otago.
Human impact, 15 years and over: Ruth Jeffery , 'Lunch for sharks?', Bluff.
Highly commended, human impact, 15 years and over: Melissa Purnell, 'Urban wetland', Green Island landfill, Dunedin.
Highly commended, Human impact, 15 years and over: Sharon Cook, 'Barely a ripple', Otago Harbour.
Human impact, 14 years and under: Josie Cashmere-Reid, 'The pipeline, Arrowtown;, Arrowtown, Central Otago.
Human impact, 14 years and younger (highly commended): Samantha Gray, 'The boardwalk', Kepler Track, Te Anau.
Human impact, 14 years and younger (highly commended): Liam Scaife, 'Looking on', Opoho, Dunedin.
Plant, 15 years and over: Lorraine Adams, Oamaru.
Plant, 15 years and over (highly commended): James Best, 'Forest Paradise', Paradise, Queenstown.
Plant, 15 years and over (highly commended): Jan Vodrazka, 'Flower', Canada.
Video, all ages (winner): Winner: John Moran, 'Whale jump', Kingdom of Tonga
Video, all ages (runner-up): Pat Wongpan, 'Belly sliding penguins', Davis Station, Antarctica.