People: Queenstown Invitational Championships

Brooke Anderson, Samantha Kostowski, Chelsea Anderson, Raymond Kostowski, Andrew Kostowski and...
Brooke Anderson, Samantha Kostowski, Chelsea Anderson, Raymond Kostowski, Andrew Kostowski and Mark Daly, all of Queensland.
Gill Evans  of Athol, and Louise Garland of Wanaka.
Gill Evans of Athol, and Louise Garland of Wanaka.
Joel Marques, of Queenstown, with son Gustavo (5).
Joel Marques, of Queenstown, with son Gustavo (5).
Front: Stu and Ray McQueen and, at rear: Mark and Kirsty 
Cowan, all of Queenstown.
Front: Stu and Ray McQueen and, at rear: Mark and Kirsty Cowan, all of Queenstown.
Cliff and Di Baker, of Queenstown, with Ava (2) and Riley (4).
Cliff and Di Baker, of Queenstown, with Ava (2) and Riley (4).

Queenstown Invitational Championships, Queenstown Ice Arena, Sunday, August 23, 2015.  PHOTOS BY: Guy Williams.

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