Shallow quake near Seddon rattles

The shallow quake happened just south of Seddon in Marlborough. Photo: GeoNet
The shallow quake happened just south of Seddon in Marlborough. Photo: GeoNet

A magnitude 4.8 earthquake has rattled the top of the South Island.

The 9km deep quake, centred just south of Seddon, caused 'strong' shaking about 8.20am today, GeoNet reported. 

It said about 1300 people had reported feeling the tremor, mainly describing it as weak or light, with most reports from Marlborough and Nelson in the South Island and Wellington and Kāpiti in the North Island. 

For one Ward resident, the shake brought back memories of the 6.5 quake in Cook Strait near Seddon in 2013, which damaged most homes in the small town and also caused damage across the Marlborough and Wellington regions; and the magnitude 7.8 centred near Kaikōura in 2016.

Jo Cameron was waiting at roadworks on her daily commute to Seddon, close to the epicentre of today's tremor.

She told RNZ it was the first she had felt in a while, and while it wasn't strong, it was a reminder.

"It certainly rattles a few cages and makes people... aware that they can happen."

"In my mind anything under five is nothing to be bothered about - like things don't fall off shelves or anything - but it certainly reminds you of the big one, because we all experienced that all those years ago."