That was the raw assessment from Llewellyn Venter after a car, driven by an alleged drink driver, smashed through his bedroom wall just after 3.30am on Saturday.
A police spokesperson said a 35-year-old man has been charged with careless operation of a vehicle and had a breath alcohol level over 400mcg per litre of breath.
Minutes before the crash, Venter had got out of bed to use the bathroom while his wife Sue-ann slept.
He had only been back in bed for five minutes when the car crossed a grassed area next to their house on Shillingford Boulevard, Rolleston, at such speed it jumped part of the road before rolling through the master bedroom.A wheel of the car landed on Sue-ann, pinning her down.
Venter fought his way through the rubble and managed to pull her out.
By the time they got out of the house, emergency services - which had been called by neighbours - were already on the scene and starting to get the driver out of the car, a GWM Ora electric vehicle.
“It was so quick; by the time we got out, everyone was here,” Venter said.
Said Sue-ann: “It was just crazy.”
Sue-ann went to hospital to get checked out and was released later that morning with bruising and cuts, but no serious injuries.“I still can’t believe it ... for the pressure that was on me it’s confusing (I was okay).”
The driver was taken to hospital in a moderate condition but is understood to have been released later with minor injuries.
The couple’s 17-year-old daughter and 8-year-old son also escaped without injury and were back at school on Monday.
“He just wants to go school and tell all his friends,” Sue-ann said.
The driver is due to appear in the Christchurch District Court on April 14.
The future of the house is not yet known, but the Venters, who have been tenants for about two years, decided they cannot go back.“I love the house ... but the problem is when I close my eyes I hear the sound of the car coming, the rumbling.
“I don’t think I’d be able to fall asleep here,” Venter said.
The couple said they have been humbled by the assistance from the community, with many neighbours offering support and help.
While looking for a new rental, the family is staying with friends in Christchurch.