Micah Caldwell was in a carriage of a Noddy train with two of his brothers at Forsyth Barr Stadium on October 31 when the train began to tip going around a corner.
His oldest brother, Josh, was able to jump clear, but Micah was crushed when the carriage overturned. He was taken to Dunedin Hospital with a suspected head and neck injury, a jaw which was broken and fractured on both sides, and severe skin loss.
His mother, Julie, said she was looking after the family's fourth son at home when she got the call no parent wanted to receive.
The St Clair School pupil remained in intensive care for two days and was later moved to the children's ward. His father, Mark, remained by his bedside throughout.
''It is a miracle he is doing so well. When you see him, you can't see he was crushed by a train,'' Mrs Caldwell said.
This week, he began wearing an eye patch to help correct his vision, and the skin damaged on one side of his face was healing well and not expected to leave a scar.
''He is a strong wee fella . . . He is back to his old self. He will make a 100% recovery,'' she said.
She thanked the school for supporting the family.
''It is such a community school ... One time I came home and there were 17 meals for us.''
She also praised the organisers of the Light Party, who supplied meals to the family, and gave Micah some Lego sets.
The family had also been given Nitro Circus tickets by stadium management. Leith Valley Church had also been very supportive, she said.
The family planned to return to the Light Party, which was billed as an alternative to Halloween, next year.
''It was not anyone's fault ... It was a freak accident,'' Mrs Caldwell said.
Light Party organiser John Watson said the trust had supported the family and kept in close contact with them.
''It was a freak accident. It was just crazy ... you have 5500 kids and one little guy gets beaten around a bit with a carriage.''
Following the supportive feedback, it was planned to stage the event again next year.