Interest in historic cottage welcomed

While public response to calls for assistance to manage the historic Vallance Cottage in Alexandra has not been large, the interest shown has been welcomed.

Recently, the Central Otago District Council, which owns the building, and the Vincent Community Board, announced they were looking for people to act as ''guardians'' for the mud-brick building in Samson St.

Board chairwoman Clair Higginson said ''a couple'' of groups and about the same number of individuals had expressed interest in being involved in managing and taking care of the property.

''It's just a start. It would be nice to have more ... but if we end up with 300 people it could be hard to form a core group.

''If only one person had got in touch I would have been pleased.''

People were already taking care of the gardens on the property, with guidance from council parks and reserves staff.

Word of mouth had been the strongest way communicating the needs of the cottage, she said.

In a shift in mentality over the past 25 years, people were now ''very'' committed to taking care of the historic structure.

A picnic day and discussion will be held at the property on January 18 for anyone interested in caring for the cottage, built in 1896.

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