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Step up and support people with diabetes

Diabetes Southland youth and type 1 co-ordinator Melissa Kelly and son Jethro sneaker up for...
Diabetes Southland youth and type 1 co-ordinator Melissa Kelly and son Jethro sneaker up for Diabetes Action Month and Sneaker Friday. PHOTO: NINA TAPU
When a Southland mother and her son strap on their sneakers next Friday, they will step out for more than their usual stroll.

Diabetes Southland youth and type 1 co-ordinator Melissa Kelly and her son Jethro will join the hikoi and take part in Sneaker Friday, a fundraising event in support of Diabetes Action Month.

"On the 15th of November down at Stead St Wharf, we’re doing a walk to support Diabetes Action Month."

"It encourages everyone to wear their sneakers to work, school or just out and about to show support for people living with diabetes," Mrs Kelly said.

The theme for this year’s Diabetes Action Month is "Don’t Sugar Coat Diabetes", which is about busting the myths that surround diabetes, so everyone has greater awareness and understanding of the condition.

Mrs Kelly has only been in the Diabetes Southland role for a few weeks but was determined that Diabetes Action Month and the Sneaker Friday event would be a success due to her personal connection with the illness.

"Having this job means the world to me because my son, has type 1 diabetes.

"My role is to support and bring people with diabetes closer together so they can have support around them."

Jethro, 5, was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 3, and used a Medtronic pump with a Guardian sensor. Funding to pay for sensors would help a lot, she said.

The Winton mother of three boys hoped the community would come out next Friday to support friends and whānau living with diabetes and help reduce the stigma.