Ghahraman loses appeal for shoplifting conviction

Golriz Ghahraman outside court. Photo: RNZ
Golriz Ghahraman outside court. Photo: RNZ
Former Green Party MP Golriz Ghahraman's appeal has failed.

An appeal by former Green Party MP Golriz Ghahraman to have her shoplifting convictions wiped, has been dismissed by the Auckland High Court.

In June, Ghahraman was convicted on four counts of shoplifting, and fined $1600 and an additional $260 in court costs.

Her request to be discharged without conviction was at the time dismissed by Judge June Jelas.

Her further appeal has now been dismissed.

Ghahraman resigned as an MP after the shoplifting allegations came to light.

Concerns had been raised about a conviction making it difficult to revive her legal career.

Justice Venning said there was no evidence to show that the Law Society wouldn't approve her application for a practising certificate based on her conviction.

He said there was also no evidence to show whether her conviction would affect her application for jobs at the International Criminal Court.