Planting a message of peace

Dunedin Central Rotary Club president April Eden helps plant a ginkgo tree which can be traced...
Dunedin Central Rotary Club president April Eden helps plant a ginkgo tree which can be traced back to the trees that survived the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. PHOTO: PETER MCINTOSH
Dunedin residents celebrated World Peace Day on Saturday by planting a sapling which has origins that can be traced to an irradiated ginkgo tree that survived the horror of Hiroshima in 1945.

At the start of August 1945, Hiroshima’s ginkgo trees were in full leaf — the atomic bomb dropped on the Japanese city on August 6 that year left their leaves burned, branches stripped and bark scorched.

Despite this, the insides of the trees remained.

Seven years ago, Dunedin received a seed from one of the surviving trees, and after years of caring for the seed, the sapling was finally large enough to be planted on Saturday.

A crowd gathered at the Market Reserve in Princes St to see the tree planted.

Dunedin Central Rotary Club president April Eden said the seed’s history was a poignant reminder of the enduring spirit of life, even in the wake of destruction.

"Seven years ago, the Rotary Club of Dunedin Central became part of the free legacy initiative, which strives to spread the message of peace across the globe.

"As we plant the sapling in our community, we are reminded that peace begins with us through our actions, our words and our dedication to creating a better future."

The planting was in partnership with Green Legacy Hiroshima, which partners with cities all over the world to plant surviving seeds from the trees that made it through the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima in 1945.

Dunedin is the only New Zealand city so far to be involved in the initiative and joins 131 cities from more than 40 other countries.

"Hopefully for future generations in Dunedin this tree symbolises peace, and Market Reserve is a nice place for people to come, sit and reflect."


