Big move in sights for piano maker

Shifting one of the world’s longest pianos is not the only big move Adrian Mann is making.

The Dunedin piano maker transported his 5.7m-long, 1.2-tonne instrument from King Edward Court in Stuart St to his new workshop in Mosgiel on Tuesday afternoon.

Mr Mann said his company, Alexander Pianos, had to make the shift to Hazlett Rd because he had been commissioned to make two more pianos of the same size by a client in Switzerland.

It had been more than a decade since Mr Mann built his first long Alexander piano and it would take him five years to build two more.

"I’ve been wanting to make one for ages and in my mind there has been all these changes and developments that I wanted to incorporate into the next one.

"There’s nothing perfect about this piano, it’s got me so far, but there was so many things I wanted to do just after I built it."

Dunedin piano maker Adrian Mann secures the world’s longest piano on a trailer in preparation for...
Dunedin piano maker Adrian Mann secures the world’s longest piano on a trailer in preparation for its move from its former home next to King Edward Court in Stuart St to Mosgiel. PHOTO: GREGOR RICHARDSON
The unique unwound bass strings would remain a part of the design for the new pianos.

He said it had been a "a real journey with the piano" which had travelled all the way to Auckland in the past and had been played by many interesting people.

The workshop he was moving out of had hosted many concerts and he was sad to be leaving it.

"I love the building, I love what’s going on here and I’m going to miss it but we did need the space."

Mr Mann said he would miss the atmosphere of the building and the community of King Edward Court.

Once the new Hazlett St site was set up, Mr Mann would host an opening night for the new location of Alexander Pianos.

