Scooby, the heroic dog who barks when it matters, saved his family from their burning home and as a reward is not short of snacks.
Bags of dog food have flooded in for the 6-month-old terrier-cross since his life-saving deeds last week.
The Singh family woke to Scooby barking and their home well alight just before midnight last Thursday.
His warning enabled the eight occupants of the house to flee the inferno.
They escaped just in time to watch helplessly as the flames destroyed their Chambers St home.
Home owner Sahib Singh, who was at the family's North Rd business at the time of fire, was grateful to the family's dog.
''I lost the family house. It can be replaced, but I have my family and you can't replace family,'' he said.
His wife, Tere Singh, said Mr Singh and Scooby had bonded since the fire.
''My husband didn't really like the dog, but they are best friends now,'' she said.
''Scooby can sleep on top of his bed now.''
Mr Singh added: ''He's a top dog.''
The family was overwhelmed by the community's support, he said.
''They have helped us be strong,'' he said.
''We have such good support from the community.
''It's been great.''
A fundraising night was held at the Inch Bar - dubbed ''Singh Song Spicy Tuesday'' - and raised about $1200 for the family. Owner Jonas Hjertquist said the night was a busy one and eight acts performed.
Mr Singh also made an appearance, to a large round of applause from participants, he said.
Mr Singh said he ''was very surprised''.
Mrs Singh was thankful for the encouragement.
''It's amazing how many people have supported us through this ordeal of ours,'' she said.
''We will get strong again.''
Insurers were still investigating, but the family intended to rebuild, Mr Singh said.