Response evaluated

The Milton crash rescue team in action during the Otago-Southland crash rescue competitions held...
The Milton crash rescue team in action during the Otago-Southland crash rescue competitions held at Balclutha on Saturday. Four teams had to carry out three separate rescues during the event. Photo by Glenn Conway.
Crash rescue teams from four southern fire brigades put their skills to the test in a series of simulated crash scenes near Balclutha on Saturday.

The annual Otago-Southland crash rescue competitions were staged at the Rosebank Wenita sawmill in a large enclosed area that gave teams from Balclutha, Milton, Cromwell and a combined southern team the chance to test their skills, learn from others and improve their ability to handle the real crash emergency events.

Results were:

Controlled: Cromwell, 1; entrapment: Balclutha, 1; immediate: Milton, 1.
Best medic: Robbie Allan (Balclutha).
Team leader: Brendan Smith (Balclutha).
Overall results: Balclutha, 1; Milton, 2; Cromwell, 3.


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