Council contacts police over threatening email

The Invercargill City Council has been hit by an email scam which has plagued many other organisations across the country.

The council released a statement yesterday about events which occurred in the past few days.

Emails which contain threats have been sent to various organisations such as schools and tertiary institutions across the country over the past few weeks.

Invercargill City Council community engagement and corporate services group manager Trudie Hurst said in the early hours of Saturday, the council received an email of concern to a generic unmonitored email address.

The email was similar in nature to those recently received at various organisations throughout New Zealand, she said.

"As soon as we became aware on Monday morning, police were notified and a risk assessment and review of all council facilities and sites was undertaken," she said.

"Based on the information we have and that provided by the police, we don’t believe that there is a credible threat or an increased risk to our organisation.

"At this stage, there is no requirement for a change to our operations and, as such, they continue as normal."

While it had not been identified as a credible threat, it could not be dismissed entirely and the council would continue to work with police, she said.

"We are taking this opportunity to review our procedures and determine if there are any additional measures that can be taken to improve the safety of our staff and people. We are taking steps to support our staff where needed.