A runaway in Maori Hill
It takes a strong man with a steady nerve to stop a runaway horse, and as there did not happen to be anyone fulfilling these conditions in the vicinity of Grater street, the north end of Highgate and Cannington road, about a-quarter to 2 on Saturday afternoon, a greengrocer’s horse which ran away was permitted to follow an uninterrupted course. The cart to which the animal was attached — a covered-in express — contained an assortment of gooseberries, eggs, and vegetables, and these were freely strewn along the roadway. The runaway, which commenced its career at Grater street, ended it even more abruptly than it had begun at the Clear, where the hood of the cart struck a lamp-post and parted company with the body of the vehicle. Subsequently the back wheels came off and ran along the footpath for a short distance before they struck a clay bank.
Golden wedding celebrated
Mr and Mrs Joseph Hunter, of Highgate, Roslyn, celebrated their golden wedding on Saturday, the event being marked by a family gathering in the Strand Salon, which was attended by three sons, the two daughters, and 13 grand-children, as well as by five persons who were present at the original ceremony 50 years ago. The Rev. W. R. Hutchison, who presided, opened the proceedings by conducting a short service, after which Mr J. C. Easton played "The Wedding March." The toast of "The Bride and Bridegroom" was proposed in felicitous terms by the Rev. R. R. M. Sutherland, and was responded to by Mr Hunter and the three sons who were present. Mr and Mrs Hunter came to New Zealand 44 years ago, and with their family, are well and favourably known in the Roslyn district, where they have resided during the greater part of that time. For 21 years Mr Hunter filled the position of manager of the Dunedin-Kaikorai Tramway Company, a post from which he resigned a little over 18 months ago.
Fevered brow
The weekly returns of infectious disease cases treated at the Dunedin and Fever Hospitals is as follows: scarlet fever — admitted 1, remaining 1; chicken pox — discharged 1, none remaining; pulmonary tuberculosis — 8 remaining; puerperal sepsis — discharged 1, remaining 1; broncho pneumonia, admitted 1, discharged 1, remaining 2. The total number of patients remaining at noon yesterday was 11. — ODT, 4.12.1923