Initially mooted as a board project by the Saddle Hill Community Board several years ago, the hard-surface court was eventually built by Dunedin City Council, and finished just in time for school holiday fun.
Community board chairman Paul Weir said local children and parents alike are delighted with the results, and are making good use of the court for pick-up games, and practising lay-ups and free throws.
Mr Weir said the plans originally came about from a desire to add an element to the playground that would be suitable for older children and teenagers.
The board set aside $5000 for the court project and was proceeding with plans to have it built when the Dunedin City Council decided to build the court itself at Delta Drive.
"We [the board] were consulted and we were able to give feedback on the project, which has turned out very well," he said.
"Now that the court has been completed, the community has really taken ownership of it and the local kids are making good use of it.
"We are also seeing lots of new kids using the space as well - so the word is out."
Local parent Geoff Paterson said his children were thoroughly enjoying having the court close to home, and we keen to play on it as often as possible.
"The kids love it, and there are always people here. It’s really nice for the community," Mr Paterson said.
Saddle Hill Community Board member Christina McBratney said the board was now considering what else it could do at the Delta Drive playground to enhance the space, perhaps by installing more picnic tables and a barbecue.