Enjoying a knees-up

Getting into the swing of things and taking part in a line dancing session at the Tussock Country Music Festival are (from left): Jeff and Margie Rae, Jean Maru, Pat White, Kristina Cassels-Brown, Marie Haselmore, Sue and Mike Fisher, Marilyn and Ian Cleland and Jackie Geary.

Line dancing is popular, and there are three sessions at the festival.

Gore line dancing teacher Jackie Geary said people had come from all over the South Island to a social class on Saturday and there was another session yesterday.

A beginners workshop would take place tomorrow.

Mrs Geary has been teaching the dance for about 30 years.

Though many might picture big hats and Billy Ray Cyrus, it was a real mix of exercise and also getting the brain working, Mrs Geary said.

Not many people wore big hats.