Government in denial about dangers, Key says

The Government was in denial about the dangers posed to the economy as it kept announcing more big spending promises, National Party leader John Key said yesterday.

"It's another day, there's another spending promise from Prime Minister Helen Clark, but there's still no clues as to where the money is coming from.

"They still have not reconciled the position confronting New Zealand. They need to decide to do what every New Zealander is doing and that is tighten their belts in terms of waste and make a choice about what their priorities are."

The country was facing a decade of deficits, he said in an interview.

National had made choices.

It was not always palatable or fun making choices but we are balancing the books and making sure we will direct the money where it is most at need.

National would treat every dollar it spent as carefully as householders did when they were totting up the weekly budget.

Mr Key was in Dunedin yesterday to launch the public sector policy which advocated spending reviews in the public sector.

National Party finance spokesman Bill English said Prime Minster Helen Clark was writing cheques she could not cash.

A mini-budget after the election to explain the big spending promises was no solution.

"New Zealanders need to know how much damage Labour is prepared to do to our economy in its desperate attempts to get Helen Clark a fourth term."



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