Aoraki numbers still falling

Alex Cabrera
Alex Cabrera
Aoraki Polytechnic's financial woes continue, with the institution facing a potential deficit of more than $2 million and more than 20% fewer students than forecast.

In a report for yesterday's polytechnic's council, acting chief executive Alex Cabrera said falling numbers of equivalent full-time students (Efts) were affecting its financial performance, with the polytechnic forecasting a $1.6 million deficit.

As of the end of July, Efts were 333 below the budgeted 1547, but Mr Cabrera said there was a chance numbers could fall to 400 Efts below budget by the end of the year, which could equate to a more than $2 million deficit.

''Operating expense restrictions will be put in place to alleviate some of the impact,'' he said.

The latest figures come after Aoraki Polytechnic, which has campuses in Timaru, Ashburton, Oamaru, Christchurch and Dunedin, has faced a difficult few years, which included running a $1.6 million deficit in 2011.

Mr Cabrera said student numbers in Dunedin were also tracking below the budgeted 247.5 Efts for this year, with about 188 Efts now enrolled.

''The strong economy, low unemployment and demand for more flexible educational delivery have contributed to us not meeting our Efts targets for 2013,'' he said.

It was too early to say what the declines meant in terms of jobs and courses offered next year.

''We need to take into consideration the environmental factors ... as well as undertaking a detailed assessment of business operations to better inform our targets for next year,'' he said.


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