Anti-social driver behaviour concerns residents

A resident sent the Hoon Hay Community Association this photo of tyre marks on Victors Rd and...
A resident sent the Hoon Hay Community Association this photo of tyre marks on Victors Rd and Newland St. Photo: Supplied
Residents say the prevalence of anti-social driving is becoming more of a problem in parts of Christchurch.

The Hoon Hay Community Association received feedback from more than 20 people living in the area in response to a Facebook post about an increase in “anti-social car behaviour”.

The post asked residents to clarify which streets had an issue with drivers.

In the comments, speeding, skids and burnouts were noted as three main issues across the area.

The association also received photos of burnouts on Victors Rd and Newland St.

A member said: “There are noticeable marks from skids there, and it is a site where we’ve been told there has been property damage caused by car crashes multiple times.”

A number of residents said drivers were seen speeding along Rowley Ave and Mathers Rd during the day, where there are schools and pre-schools.

Some noted incidents of cars crashing into their neighbours’ fences due to skids or speed-related issues.

However, police said there were no burnouts reported on the 18 streets mentioned by residents, except one report in Milton St, Somerfield, on Sunday at 3am.

The vehicle doing burnouts left as the person was making the call.

Other mentioned issues include dirt bike riders driving on Mathers Rd and in Hoon Hay Park without helmets, broken cars being left on residential streets, and anti-social use of bus stops.

Said the association: “We plan to digest this feedback and then work out the best way to deal with it.

"We anticipate this will start with a presentation to the Spreydon-Cashmere-Heathcote Community Board, but will likely lead to engagement with police or other agencies.

“We really love our neighbourhood and we want everyone to feel safe and happy here. We hope a positive solution can be found.”