Musicians collaborate with your help

Tuning up at Queens, in the Exchange, are Operation Underground members (front row, from left)...
Tuning up at Queens, in the Exchange, are Operation Underground members (front row, from left) Jared Smith and Michael Morris, (second row) Joseph van der Hurk, Sam McKean and Jo Little, (third row) Severine Costa, Paul Cathro and Nick Knox, (back row) Liam Harrison, Elena Berg and Mike Neumegen. Photo by Peter McIntosh.
A Dunedin music project to promote local artists is in a rock around the clock against time.

Operation Underground was established last year to produce a 25-track album featuring a different singer on each song.

''A music collaboration like this has never been done in New Zealand before,'' artistic director Michael Morris said.

''We want to build the music community and introduce these artists to new listeners, which will generate stronger demand for the amazing work they create. We hope that every New Zealand music lover will discover a new range of bands to support and enjoy.''

As part of the project, Operation Underground recently organised the ''Kids Jam'' music workshop at the City Library for children aged 5 to 8, to give children the opportunity to play music with professional musicians.

The $5000 cost of funding the album is being raised through a donation programme. However, the sum has to be reached by July 9, or pledges are forfeited.

''This venture is the first of its kind and we are one small step away from creating something totally unique and special for both music lovers and musicians,'' Mr Morris said.

Pledges can be made at until 6pm on July 9. Donors are eligible for prizes including signed guitars, concerts, music lessons and recording time.


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