Otago win 114 years in making

Glory can take time to sink in.

Only a few Otago hockey players still had the energy to raise their arms above their head in triumph.

Most just leaned heavily into hugs with the nearest team-mate in total exhaustion.

The roaring delight came later. Once the weary bodies had regained some vitality, the Otago men’s team was able to celebrate with the gusto the moment deserved.

Otago beat Wellington 4-2 in the tier 1 men’s final at the National Hockey Championship in Dunedin on Saturday.

It was Otago’s first senior men’s title — the Challenge Shield was first presented in 1908 — and the province’s first senior banner since the women won in 1987.

While the margin of victory was comfortable, the final quarter was anything but.

Wellington had substituted its goalkeeper in favour of an extra attacker and spent most of the final 15 minutes camped deep in Otago territory.

Otago captain Nick Ross holds the Challenge Shield aloft after the province won the tier 1 men’s...
Otago captain Nick Ross holds the Challenge Shield aloft after the province won the tier 1 men’s final at the National Hockey Championship in Dunedin on Saturday. It was Otago’s first senior men’s title. PHOTO: GERARD O’BRIEN
Dane Lett clawed back a second for the visiting team with six minutes to go.

Otago was being squeezed and it took every drop of resolve the team had to withstand the onslaught.

The final whistle was greeted more with relief than elation.

But that relief eventually gave way to delight.

Otago captain Nick Ross mustered the reserves to lift the shield over his head then roared.

"I’m knackered," he said.

"It has been a big week, but I’m thrilled for the boys.

"Wellington were never going to just give it to us, no matter how many goals we were up. They pulled their keeper and played with a man advantage.

"But the boys scrambled really well and left it all out there."
