Hockey puts case to council

The first step has been taken to build a pavilion next to the artificial hockey turf at Centennial Park in Oamaru, a project with an estimated cost of $250,000.

Yesterday, the owner of the turf, the North Otago Turf Trust, supported by the North Otago Hockey Association, put its case to the Waitaki District Council's committee of the whole.

The committee has recommended the council approve leasing land at either the eastern or northern sides of the turf for the single-storey pavilion. The council will make a final decision on May 21.

Before fundraising can start, the trust needs the council's approval to lease the land.

The trust owns the turf, which it leases to Hockey North Otago. It will also build and own the pavilion, leasing it to hockey.

Trust chairman Ray Simpson said a pavilion had been planned since the turf was constructed in 1999.

The turf had hosted national tournaments and test matches which brought revenue to the town.

However, Hockey New Zealand had ''put the pressure on'' and, without the right facilities, those events would not happen.

''We have looked at other options, but this is the only one that meets our needs. Hockey and its future needs this [pavilion],'' Mr Simpson said.

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