Video: How to make rabbabara grautur (rhubarb pudding)

Eirikur Ragnarsson and Johanna Eiriksdottir show how to make rabbabara grautur (rhubarb pudding).

Eirikur Ragnarsson and Johanna Eiriksdottir.
Eirikur Ragnarsson and Johanna Eiriksdottir.
Eirikur Ragnarsson came to New Zealand in 2009 as an exchange student, and liked it so much he stayed and is now completing his master's degree in economics at the University of Otago. His mother, Johanna Eiriksdottir, came to visit and stayed to learn English and do postgraduate work in health management.

Iceland, an island in the North Atlantic, is so far north it has nine months of winter. Traditionally, meat, fish, dairy products and vegetables and berries had to be preserved, pickled, fermented, dried or salted to take people through the long winter. Although the climate is not suitable for growing a wide range of vegetables, potatoes and rhubarb do well in Iceland. Johanna says this simple way of preparing rhubarb is one of her favourite puddings.


Rabbarbara grautur (rhubarb pudding)

Rabbabara grautur served with a cream/milk mixture. Photos by Craig Baxter.
Rabbabara grautur served with a cream/milk mixture. Photos by Craig Baxter.

6-10 stalks of rhubarb2-3 Tbsp cornflour1-2 Tbsp sugarwaterto servecream and milk 



Rinse the rhubarb, trim the ends and cut into thin slices. Put into a pot and just cover with water. Bring to the boil and simmer for 5-7 minutes, stirring until the rhubarb breaks up and becomes like a soup. Taste to see how tangy the rhubarb is and sweeten with sugar to taste.

Mix the cornflour with a little water in a bowl. Add some to the rhubarb as it simmers, and stir until it has thickened to your liking. You may not need all the flour and water. Serve hot, warm or cold, sprinkled with extra sugar if you like.

Serve with a mix of cream to milk.


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