Dive-bombing photo-bomber

Nadya Zvyagina accidentally captured a dive-bombing swallow in her photo of seagulls in Edwards...
Nadya Zvyagina accidentally captured a dive-bombing swallow in her photo of seagulls in Edwards Bay. PHOTO: NADYA ZVYAGINA
It was like a scene straight out of an Angry Birds cellphone game.

Nadya Zvyagina was minding her own business photographing a couple of seagulls on a wharf at Edwards Bay, on Otago Peninsula, when she was dive-bombed by a swallow.

"If it was carrying a coconut, I’d be a goner for sure."

Photo-bombers have a way of completely destroying great pictures, but the 49-year-old said the plucky little bird actually improved her "previously rather boring shot" and nearly put a feather in her cap — quite literally.

It unexpectedly swooped into her shot and missed her face by a few centimetres — most likely chasing insects, rather than trying to dive-bomb her, she said.

Yesterday, she joked about how the incident had caused her "uncountable future financial losses".

Nadya Zvyagina
Nadya Zvyagina

"The blasted snitch has ruined my otherwise perfectly composed, probably multi-award-winning photo of two gulls by the sea, which would’ve probably paid my mortgage.

"Life is unfair."

Fortunately, the experience did not leave her with a chirp on her shoulder.

"Normally, I tell photo-bombers to [get out of the way].

"But I was happy to see it photo-bomb my previously rather boring shot.

"It’s definitely turned it into a memorable photo."


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