New cycle track adds 12km to network

Young Luggate cyclist Liam Dennis-Williamson  could not wait for the  official opening of the...
Young Luggate cyclist Liam Dennis-Williamson could not wait for the official opening of the Newcastle Track, so he took his bike out for a sneak preview of it this week. Photo by Cris Johnston.
The Upper Clutha's network of walking and cycling trails will be officially expanded at the opening of the Newcastle Track on December 8.

The formalities will take place at the Albert Town end of the track on the true left of the Hawea River, over the Hawea River swing bridge, at 10am on Saturday, December 8. Riders and walkers will then be encouraged to cycle or walk the 12km track, which runs along the true left of the Clutha River.

The Upper Clutha Tracks Trust will hold a sausage sizzle from 11.30am at the other end of the track at the new car park on Kane Rd, just north of the Red Bridge at Luggate.

The Newcastle Track provides greater access to the Clutha River and has spectacular views, including the conservation area Rekos Point near Luggate, from the terrace above the track.

The track is named after the planned settlement of Newcastle, which was surveyed on the other side of the Clutha River from lower Albert Town, but never developed.


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