Sunken vessels' vents closed to halt leaching

Air vents of two sunken vessels in Fiordland on Friday have been closed to stop further seepage of diesel into the water.

Two vessels, Karaka and Michelle, sank in Breaksea Sound on Friday morning at their mooring after heavy rain caused the older of the two, Karaka, to take the two boats down.

Karaka owner Craig Harpur, from Te Anau, estimated on Friday salvage would cost him and the owner of the other boat between $300,000 and $400,000.

Mr Harpur, who is based in Australia, is also one of Fiordland's contract boat salvage operators. He is conducting his own salvage, which started last weekend.

Several years ago, Karaka sank at its mooring in Deep Cove and had been successfully salvaged.

Mr Harpur could not be contacted yesterday.

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