Tradies and community muck in to put roof on

Taking a pause during the re-roofing of the league hall are (from left) Aramoana League vice...
Taking a pause during the re-roofing of the league hall are (from left) Aramoana League vice-president Paul Munro, secretary John Davis, president Bill Brown, PlaceMakers’ Doug Manu and league treasurer Nick Braithwaite. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
A team of local builders, PlaceMakers team members and volunteers rolled up their sleeves and replaced the roof of the Aramoana League Hall over Easter.

Funded through the PlaceMakers Foundation Big Build Grant, the replacement roof, which includes iron from the original roof, will help to keep the hall warm and dry for decades.

Aramoana League secretary John Davis said the re-roofing project was long overdue and the community had been eager to get involved

The Aramoana League Hall had been a community hub since 1958, hosting many special occasions, events, and gatherings, from sports and church groups, to Scouts and family celebrations.

"The vision of the league is to support the wellbeing of all who live in and visit Aramoana and the wider community, so this new roof will definitely help to improve our facilities for everyone who uses and enjoys this facility,” Mr Davis said.

"I even had my 21st birthday and wedding reception here!"

The local tradies and community had been very excited to be ‘‘mucking in" over Easter, and volunteers had helped with everything from labouring to keeping everyone fed, Mr Davis said.

PlaceMakers chief executive and foundation chair Bruce McEwen said the three-day re-roofing project was a great demonstration of the local impact of the PlaceMakers Foundation.

"Making a long-held goal a reality for a community like Aramoana is exactly what the foundation is all about and it shows the great connection between stores, staff and the public nationwide.”


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