They join about 250,000 others who have signed up to take part in the New Zealand ShakeOut earthquake drill at 9.26am on September 26 (9.26 on 26/9).
Waitaki emergency services manager Chris Raine said yesterday plans were being put in place to publicise the event more widely in the Waitaki district, including among schools.
"We hope to have a lot more than [the 868 signed up by yesterday] when the drill is held," he said.
Already on the list is the Waitaki District Council with 120 staff, five schools with 639 individuals and two preschools with 70.
Nationally, the target is one million people.
"We are well on the way to our target, but there is still a long way to one million," national director of Civil Defence Emergency Management John Hamilton said.
"Along with many individuals and families, it is great to see companies registering and taking the opportunity to look at their corporate emergency preparedness," he said.
Some of New Zealand's biggest and best-known companies, including Fonterra, The Warehouse, Air New Zealand and many others, had signed up.
Anyone is welcome to register on the ShakeOut website (