Interest from dairy farmers has led to expectations of a capacity crowd at the South Island Dairy Event (Side) in Dunedin this week.
More than 600 farmers are expected at the conference, based at the University of Otago, from today until Wednesday.
Organising committee chairman and South Otago dairy farmer Brangka Munan put the response down to the speakers.
"The theme this year is People, Perception, Pride, and it's a great opportunity for us to discuss these key issues and opportunities facing dairying now and in the future," Mr Munan said.
The programme covers topics from on-farm issues and business skills, to health and wellbeing and personal development, along with wider dairy and business issues. A parallel session, Business Side, is for delegates looking beyond day-to-day farming matters.
Business Side presenters include nutritionist Lea Stenning, Southland organic dairy farmer and dairy factory founder Robin Greer, Rabobank food and agribusiness research and advisory analyst Michael Harvey, and Mike Fleming of Heritage Farms.