Train trip trial on track to success with full bookings

Strong early demand suggests a summer trial of Sunday train trips from Dunedin is on track for success.

Dunedin Venues Management Ltd business development manager Kim Dodds said all 300 seats were sold for this Sunday’s Inlander pre-Christmas Santa Express train trip, to Hindon and return.

The assets of Dunedin Railways Ltd have been in hibernation since July and the summer trial will return them to use.

Summer train trial project manager Troy Williams (left) and Dunedin Railways Ltd health, safety,...
Summer train trial project manager Troy Williams (left) and Dunedin Railways Ltd health, safety, environmental and training co-ordinator Donald Ross get into the spirit for the first trip in an upcoming Sunday train trip trial. PHOTO: CHRISTINE O’CONNOR

The Dunedin City Council has underwritten the limited season.

The next Inlander trip, on December 27, was also sold out, and only a few seats were left on the first Seasider return trip to Waitati on the same day.

The remaining 13 trial Sundays, both morning trains and afternoon, were at least half booked.

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