Close shave for bride on wedding day

Laura Murdoch-Marshall has her head shaved by her husband Brent Marshall during the couple's...
Laura Murdoch-Marshall has her head shaved by her husband Brent Marshall during the couple's wedding reception on Saturday night. Photo by Michelle Newman.
After the dress, the second most important thing for most brides on their wedding day is their hair and make-up - and somewhere after that are the groom and the flowers.

So when Laura Murdoch-Marshall had all her locks shaved off at her wedding reception on Saturday, it was one of the greatest sacrifices she could think of to show support for her cousin who was recently diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia.

"I found out online that it was going to be Leukaemia Week this week ...

"Needless to say, the last day of the awareness week happened to fall on my wedding day.

"As scary as the idea is to me, having all my hair shaved off, I just really felt like I wanted to do something for her, so that she knew she did have a crew of support within her family, all thinking of her at this time of need."

Her cousin Becky Maynard was in the United Kingdom on a university exchange programme when she was diagnosed.

She is receiving chemotherapy there and is still too ill to return to her home in Christchurch.

It is hoped she will be well enough to return to New Zealand following her current course of treatment.

Mrs Murdoch-Marshall said waiting until after she returned from her honeymoon to shave her head was not an option, because her cousin did not have that choice or luxury.

An informal auction was held among family gathered at the wedding reception at Larnach Castle for the honour of shaving Mrs Murdoch-Marshall's locks.

The money raised was donated to Leukaemia and Blood Cancer New Zealand.

Mrs Murdoch-Marshall said losing her hair would be difficult to come to terms with.

"It's all very scary. Your hair is your identity - it's what shapes and frames your face," she said.

"When I asked Brent if I could do it, he was very supportive."

The newlyweds left for Rarotonga yesterday and Mrs Murdoch-Marshall said she had already bought lots of sun block, hats and scarves.

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