Fish & Game regional field officer Steve Dixon releases a tagged rainbow trout into Tomahawk Lagoon, in Dunedin, yesterday, marking the start of an initiative to get children fishing.
Six tagged fish were released — two into the lagoon, two into the Southern Reservoir and two into Sullivans Dam — and a prize will be given to the junior angler, aged 17 and under, who catches one.
The lucky fisher could bring the tag, either on the fish or cut off it if they want to release the fish, in to the Otago Fish & Game office in Hanover St, where a new rod and reel set would be waiting for them, Mr Dixon said.

Along with the prize, donated by Mike Teasdale Motors, a photo of the young angler with the fish or tag would be put up on its Facebook page.
"We are doing it because of lockdown ... We want to get juniors and families back out fishing."
It was a good way to forget about the impacts of Covid-19 for some time and get back into a healthy activity, he said.
The fish weigh between 2.2kg and 3.2kg.