"A shower," she said, with a tired grin.
Two and a-half hours earlier, Baldwin had crawled into a cavity lined with 1m square by 4mm thick panes of pure toffee and begun to lick her way out.
However, she had the challenge half-licked before she even started, as the dodecahedron meant to be constructed for the performance was reduced to a hexagon.
A crowd of about 30 curious spectators gathered at 5.30pm in the gallery as she crawled naked into the toffee tomb.
Asked what it was like inside, she replied: "Sticky".
At 8pm, she broke through one of the panes and was greeted by cheers from onlookers.
She emerged, covered with toffee, and blew kisses to the crowd.
"It wasn't as painful as I thought it would be. It was actually quite meditative," Baldwin said.
"Towards the end I remember thinking: 'I am going to get out of this.' It felt so victorious when I broke through."
The project referenced the modern "sugar-rush society", she said.