The 2012 Dunedin Fringe Festival was tucked up for another year last night, leaving behind memories of some standout performances among the 50 events of the past 11 days.
It's last chance to dance on the fringe of society this weekend.
There was only one thing on Christchurch artist Audrey Baldwin's mind after her Dunedin Fringe Festival performance "Canker" at the Blue Oyster Project Art Space last night.
TODAY • Daily: Rare Goods, Lower Octagon. • Daily: Billboard Sixty Special, Andersons Bay Rd. • 10am-6pm: Botanica Banners, Dunedin Botanic Garden. • Noon: Fringe Picks, Lower Octagon. •...
Fringe Festival artists Merel Kamp (left) and Laura Stam perform as "Perky and Fiddle" at the University of Otago yesterday.
The Fringe takes to the streets today. You could be sitting in a cafe enjoying your foie gras or duck à l'orange when a fouetté jeté flies past.
English punk poet John Cooper Clarke was not having a bar of Dunedin poet laureate Robbie Burns yesterday.
Special Events Lower Octagon. • Fringe Picks: Thursday, Friday and Saturday, noon. • Rare Goods: every day, ongoing. Ironic Cafe and Bar, 9 Anzac Ave. • Polson Higgs Comedy Club:...
Artistic taste is a funny thing.
"G'day ... it's john Cooper Clarke here," the voice growls down the phone.
What is the most horrible music instrument ever invented?
Photo by Linda Robertson.
The Fringe goes from eclectic to electric this weekend.
Some people were not too impressed when the ODT ran a photo of zombies on the front page after the Fringe programme launch last month.
Fire and dance, poetry, music and magic combine among the trees at Chingford Park next week - weather gods permitting. Charmian Smith talks to the Firebugs, Jonathan Cweorth and Hilary Norris, about a journey to the underworld and back, and sex, death and magic in the Renaissance.
Ficklness and frustration become objects of play today.
Special Events Lower Octagon. • Fringe Picks: Thursday, Friday and Saturday, noon. • Rare Goods: every day, ongoing. • Firestrom: Friday, 8pm. Ironic Cafe and Bar, 9 Anzac Ave. • Polson...
Hold on to your hats...
There was something of the satirical present when the Dunedin Fringe Festival announced its 2012 funding.
Celebrated English punk poet John Cooper Clarke will spearhead next month's Dunedin Fringe Festival.