Council to recruit CE

The Queenstown Lakes District Council is about to begin recruiting a chief executive.

At Thursday’s full council meeting in Queenstown, the "chief executive’s end of term report" was discussed behind closed doors, for privacy reasons.

In a statement yesterday Queenstown Lakes Mayor Jim Boult said the chief executive performance review committee had recommended advertising the position "to provide stability and consistency for the period of Covid-19 recovery ahead".

Under the Local Government Act 2002, the council has to appoint a chief executive for a term of no more than five years.

In the year before the contract expires, the council must review the chief executive’s performance and skill mix and consider how that fits with the council’s expected future needs.

It could then reappoint the incumbent for another two years without advertising, or advertise and start afresh for a five-year term.

Mr Theelen’s appointment was announced in January 2016, following Adam Feeley’s retirement from the role the previous November.

Mr Boult said the review committee — himself, deputy mayor Calum MacLeod and Councillor John MacDonald, as the chairman of the audit, finance and risk committee meeting — was "very satisfied" with Mr Theelen’s performance.

He said the council’s desire was to have "surety going into the next period".

"We regard Mike as a strong-performing CEO and we will be pleased if he reapplies for the job.

"Don’t get me wrong — the way is open for anybody who wants to apply for it to be considered for the role."

Recruitment will begin next month and should be completed "within two to three months".

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