Relief package will be welcome boost: Sport Otago

John Brimble.
John Brimble.
It is certainly no lolly scramble.

But Sport Otago chief executive John Brimble believes the $15million community resilience fund for sporting organisations could be "the difference between going under and survival".

New Zealand Sport released details of its latest financial assistance package earlier this week.

The funds are targeted at regional sporting bodies and clubs struggling to pay the bills in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.

It is hoped the financial relief package will help tie over some organisations until sport resumes and they can begin generating income again.

The money will become available from Monday and will certainly need to stretch a long way. But Brimble said it will be a welcome boost.

"It is going to provide some immediate short-term relief for those clubs and regional sports organisations that are really struggling at the moment," he said.

"For some it could make the difference between going under and survival.

"It is designed to cover any fixed costs like insurance, power rent, IT costs, the sort of bills that are still coming in."

Regional sports trusts such as Sport Otago are charged with administering the fund. They will receive a proportion of the overall fund to allocate in their region.

Regional sports organisation such as the Otago Cricket Association could apply for up to $40,000, while clubs can apply for up to a maximum of $1000.

It is an online application process.

"We are trying to make it as streamlined and uncomplicated as possible. They have broad criteria that they have to meet in terms of fixed costs and prove that it has been related to the impact of Covid-19. The criteria is not too rigorous."

Sport Otago will vet and process the applications from its catchment and get the funds out as quickly as possible.

Asked if $1000 would make a difference for some clubs, Brimble said "Well, it will help."

"It is not there to meet any commitment clubs have made prior to Covid-19. It is really just to cover those core operating costs to get them across the hump. It may not cover all of it but it will be a significant contribution towards that cost."

Brimble urged clubs and regional sporting bodies to get their applications as soon as possible because "once it [the allocated fund] is gone, it is gone".

Sport Otago is also working on getting further relief for battling sporting organisations. It made a submission to the Dunedin City Council’s annual plan yesterday to waive all ground charges, leases and rents for 2020-21. It is estimated it will cost the city $700,000 in lost revenue.

Sport Otago also urged the DCC to hold off on any proposed rates and charges increases for 2020-21.


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