Funding issues won't rain on Santa's parade

Still chugging along: Warren "Poppa" Ockwell is continuing his tradition of a new float each year...
Still chugging along: Warren "Poppa" Ockwell is continuing his tradition of a new float each year for Rainbow Preschool's entry in the Dunedin Santa Parade. This year he is creating "Mr Percival's red car" using parts and materials donated by local businesses. Photo by Bruce Munro
The 14th annual Dunedin Santa Parade will happen, Dean Driver says.

Despite a paucity of funds and few community float registrations, Dunedin Santa Parade Trust chairman Mr Driver is adamant the Christmas season will be ushered in with a full-sized parade along George St.

"On December 4, starting at 3pm, we will have the 14th annual Dunedin Santa Parade," Mr Driver said.

"All the Dunedin Santa Parade Trust floats will be there, and a large number of community floats.

"We've had communication with Santa, and he will be there too."

A Christmas concert will be held at the conclusion of the parade.

The city's annual Santa Parade is a nonprofit event organised by the trust and funded by community grants.

But this year it had been "extremely difficult to get funding", Mr Driver said.

The Rugby World Cup and tough economic climate had both played their part in the situation, he said.

The parade normally comprises 80 floats built by the trust and community organisations.

But to date, there had been few registrations by groups, he said.

"We hope to get that number, but community groups have been slow to register this year."

It was possibly because the Rugby World Cup had been occupying people's attention, he said.

Float registrations will remain open until November 20.


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