The Wanaka Watersports Facility Trust is seeking $100,000 from the Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) over two years to help pay for its building on the lakefront.
In the trust's annual plan submission to the council, Mick Hollyer said the project was budgeted to cost $2,014,000, which included $370,000 spent on the resource consent process.
Mr Hollyer said the balance of the project cost was $1,644,000, which was for the 420sqm building to be used by rowers, kayakers, paddleboarders and others involved in "non-motorised'' water sports.
The shortfall was $435,000.
Mr Hollyer said the trust had sought $335,000 from the Lotteries Commission which had indicated it "would like to see a significant level of funding'' from the QLDC.
Building is under way and completion is expected in November.
The Wanaka Community House Charitable Trust has applied for $100,000 to complete its community house.
It has raised $2.9million but needs another $900,000.
Its major tenant, the Alpine Community Development Trust, is seeking $15,000 towards the cost of establishing itself in the new building.
The QLDC provides the trust with $33,500 annually to cover its rent, but the trust has indicated a higher contribution is likely to be sought in future as a result of the move.
The Upper Clutha Tracks Trust is seeking to increase the QLDC's annual grant from $25,000 to $40,000, and also seeking $30,000 to upgrade its website and to develop a track map.
The Upper Clutha Lakes Trust is seeking $75,000 to partially fund its operations, and Link Upper Clutha has applied for $60,000, funding from the Department of Internal Affairs having ended.
The QLDC is due to hear submissions on Monday.