The 113-room proposed four-star hotel was listed on the Hotel Page website on March 13 as a ''completed turn-key hotel''.
A spokeswoman said yesterday the QLDC had no comment to make on the sale notice.
Owner of development company Winton, Chris Meehan said: ''This is not unusual at all and standard practice for this type of commercial opportunity.
''Winton are developers, not accommodation and hospitality experts, but there are some fantastic operators out there that we are looking forward to engaging with.
''A couple of points to understand:
- A sale of this type can take time given the due diligence involved and contingent on resource consent
- It is extremely important to Winton that they are built to the high standard Winton is known for, hence why they are sold completed.
"It is the best outcome for both parties, the developer and the buyer, for the buyer to be involved early on - that way they can be involved in the fitout and internal design to ensure the hotel looks and operates the best it can for them.''
None of the 135 submissions made to the QLDC in relation to the hotel application were in support of the development, and one was neutral.
The hotel was considered by submitters to be not in keeping with the residential nature of the area and there were concerns about noise, lack of parking, safety, extra traffic and the loss of green space.
The Wanaka Community Supporting Our Northlake Neighbours Society - formed to represent Northlake residents prohibited by their sale and purchase agreements from objecting - submitted the Northlake development was ''foremost a residential area''.
''It is a realistic expectation for residents of Northlake that Winton will plan for the wellbeing of the residents ... and develop new builds that give back to the community.
''The development was and currently still is marketed as a village.''