Otago Art Society president Doug Hart said the Dunedin teen was the youngest person in the competition’s 12-year history to win the top prize.
Ben said he was "blown away" by the recognition and he wanted to thank the art teachers at school, who had been very supportive.
He worked from photographs and incorporated into his painting ornaments which were mementos of his parents’ life in Zimbabwe.
"I wanted to make a piece that would be dark, but at the same time kind of mellow," he said.
Mr Hart said Ben’s Renaissance-style painting showed there was "so much talent out there".
This year 205 works were entered in the competition, and the exhibition on the second floor of the Dunedin Railway Station was packed with people yesterday evening.
Mr Hall said the awards had become a much-anticipated event in New Zealand’s art calendar.
They were judged by artist Anita De Soto. Second-place winner was Philip Beadle and third place went to C. Edmonds. Marion Vialade and Gemma Baldock won merit awards for their work.