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Bayfield High School junior prizes

Bayfield High School junior prizegiving was held recently. The prize list is.-

Year 9

Anderson House:

Merit: Finley McMillan (physical education and health, science), Matthias Rades (technology), Kegan Swain (physical education and health, technology), Dillan Turner (physical education and health).

Highly commended: Jaimee Acklin (excellence technology, merit science, music, French), Caolan Bates (merit English, mathematics, science, physical education and health), Sharita Boyd (merit English, social studies, technology, music, Japanese, drama), Tori Clearwater (merit English, mathematics, science, social studies, physical education and health, drama), Trent Johnston (excellence physical education and health, digital technology, merit English, science, social studies, technology, art, French), Jack Kiore (excellence music, merit physical education and health), Hollie Minards (excellence art, merit English, science, physical education and health, technology, music, German), Victoria Pryde (excellence technology, merit English, mathematics, science, social studies), Kathleen Riach (merit English, mathematics, science, social studies, physical education and health, music), William Smaill (excellence physical education and health, technology, music, French, drama, merit mathematics, science, social studies, digital technology), Miah Small (excellence physical education and health, Maori, merit mathematics, science, digital technology, drama).

Begg House:

Merit: Elisa (Ufagalilo) Dougherty (Maori), Lorelei Tallon-Nicholls (social studies).

Highly commended: Henry Arnold (excellence mathematics, physical education and health, French, merit science, drama), Makayla Frost (excellence technology, merit English, mathematics, science, social studies, physical education and health, digital technology, drama), Emily Gray (merit mathematics, physical education and health, art), Jack Hodge (merit English, mathematics, social studies, physical education and health, German, drama), Daniel Hunter (excellence music, merit English, mathematics, social studies, German, drama), Sean Ibbotson (excellence physical education and health, merit English, mathematics, science, social studies, technology, digital technology, drama), Charlotte Smith (excellence digital technology, merit English, mathematics, science, social studies, music), Andrew Soper (merit English, science, social studies, physical education and health, digital technology, music, French), Timothy Voss (merit mathematics, technology, music, Japanese), Thomas Woods (merit mathematics, social studies, physical education and health, technology, digital technology).

Herron House:

Merit: Kirby Browning (German), Conor Gale (social studies), Si Ying (Vivien) Liu (physical education and health), Lee-Anna Pearce (mathematics), Louis Robinson (technology), Aleisha Sorensen (music), Samuel Van der Byl (physical education and health), John Wilkinson (music), Kimberley Young (technology).

Highly commended: Samuel Cresswell (merit mathematics, science, social studies, digital technology), Mickayla Drinkwater (excellence English, mathematics, physical education and health, merit science, digital technology, Japanese, drama), Sarah Hepburn (excellence physical education and health, technology, digital technology, merit English, science, joint winner service in junior school), Aidan Jamieson (merit English, physical education and health, drama), Amy Little (merit mathematics, physical education and health, music), Calum Stewart (excellence science, drama, merit English, mathematics, social studies, physical education and health, music, art).

Ross House:

Merit: Samantha Cruden (social studies, drama), Celine Marpert (French), Jesse Reynolds (social studies, physical education and health).

Highly commended: Brennan Carne (excellence French, merit English, mathematics, science, physical education and health, technology, music), Destiny Carvell (merit mathematics, digital technology, music, Maori, drama), Jazmin Clapham-Dorjee (excellence social studies, merit English, mathematics, drama), Jesse Dryden (excellence technology, music, drama, merit English, mathematics, science, social studies, physical education and health, digital technology), Sydney Foster (merit English, science, art, Maori), Kate Gardner (excellence English, physical education and health, drama, merit mathematics, science, social studies, technology, music, art, Japanese), Zachary Gardner (excellence mathematics, science, merit social studies, technology, digital technology), Anna Grimaldi (excellence science, physical education and health, technology, French, merit English, social studies, digital technology, music), Jeremy Hadfield (excellence physical education and health, merit English, mathematics, science, music), Rosarah Hardie (excellence technology, digital technology, merit English, social studies, physical education and health, French), Sarah Jane Hewitt (merit technology, music, drama), Elliot Tay (excellence social studies, music, German, merit English, mathematics, science, technology).

Somerville House:

Merit: Duncan Cowan (music), Cameron Frethey (technology, drama), Mitchell Fulton (French).

Highly commended: Mikayla Donner (merit English, science, social studies, Maori), Melissa Halley (excellence physical education and health, music, merit English, mathematics, science, technology, French), Abram Hunter (excellence social studies, merit English, science, physical education and health), Blake Lewis (excellence digital technology, drama, merit English, mathematics, science, social studies, physical education and health, music), Brenna Poll (merit English, mathematics, science, technology, Maori, drama), Wilson Somerville (merit mathematics, science, social studies, physical education and health, technology, Japanese), Liam Spronken (excellence English, mathematics, digital technology, merit science, social studies, physical education and health, art, German), Mitchell Wilson (excellence social studies, physical education and health, merit English, mathematics, science, French, winner cup for physical education and health).

General excellence:

Zoe Barton (excellence English, science, art, French, merit social studies, winner art cup ), Eleanor Baxter (excellence mathematics, physical education and health, art, Maori, French, merit English, science, social studies, technology, joint winner trophy service in junior school), Emma Bridgman (excellence English, science, social studies, technology, digital technology, music, art, French, merit mathematics), Tyler Campbell (excellence mathematics, science, music, German, merit English, social studies), Jemma Fielding (excellence English, science, social studies, technology, digital technology, music, art, French, drama, merit mathematics), Katrina Hansen (excellence mathematics, science, social studies, music, drama, merit English, technology, art, French), Sashika Hendry (excellence English, science, social studies, digital technology, French, drama, merit mathematics, technology), Imone Mukhopadhyay (excellence English, digital technology, French, drama, merit mathematics, science, social studies, physical education and health, music, art, speech prize), Wallace Pu (excellence mathematics, science, physical education and health, music, merit English, technology, Japanese), Breeana Richardson (excellence English, social studies, physical education and health, drama, merit mathematics, science, music, art, Japanese), James Richardson (excellence English, mathematics, social studies, physical education and health, technology, merit science, German, drama), Katy Sapwell (excellence English, mathematics, science, social studies, technology, digital technology, music, art, Japanese, drama, social studies cup), Erika Savell (excellence English, mathematics, science, social studies, technology, music, Japanese), Claire Steel (excellence English, science, social studies, music, art, German, drama, merit mathematics, technology), Andrew Underwood (excellence mathematics, science, social studies, French, merit English, physical education and health, technology), Shanna Verhoef (excellence English, mathematics, science, social studies, physical education and health, technology, digital technology, art, drama, merit music, Japanese, information technology prize).

Year 10

Anderson House:

Merit: Carlsson Beddoes (design technology), Jacqui Davies (social studies), Rochelle Mercer (Maori).

Highly commended: Olivia Connor (excellence physical education and health, merit English, mathematics, science, social studies, art, graphics), Rylee Davis (excellence physical education and health, merit English, mathematics, science, social studies, French, music), Katherine Ferguson (excellence physical education and health, merit English), Ryan Hurring (merit mathematics, food technology, Japanese), Selena Kinnaird (merit English, mathematics, science, physical education and health, design technology), Caitlin Knox (excellence social studies, graphics, merit English, mathematics, science, music), Austen Minards (excellence design technology, graphics, merit mathematics, physical education and health), Lily Renwick (excellence design technology, merit English, social studies), Maura Turner (excellence mathematics, German, merit business studies, speech prize), Nathan Waters (excellence physical education and health, merit science, social studies), Simon Williams (excellence English, mathematics, merit science, physical education and health, French, music).

Begg House:

Merit: Joshuah Clark (design technology), Nina Lamb (science, social studies), Kelly McIlraith (English, physical education and health), Jon Neilsen (social studies), Dana Paterson (English), Desmond Rennie (digital technology), Anastasia Rosamunde (English, social studies), Eileen Zhu (mathematics, French).

Highly commended: Matthew Baird (merit mathematics, science, digital technology), Levi Baker (excellence physical education and health, merit mathematics, science), Kelsey Bennett (excellence English, merit mathematics, science, business studies), Noah Davies (merit social studies, joint winner cup for outdoor education), Iain Donaldson (excellence physical education and health, merit social studies, German), Shayna Dodds (excellence Japanese, merit mathematics, science, physical education and health), Shaynah Flaws (merit English, mathematics, science, physical education and health, business studies), Danielle Galdeman (excellence social studies, physical education and health, merit English, mathematics, science, art, French), Georgia Henderson (excellence science, art, merit mathematics, social studies, physical education and health, Japanese, art cup), Shaun Tocher (excellence design technology, merit physical education and health, business studies), Jessica Todd (excellence physical education and health, food technology, merit English, science, social studies, business studies), Taylor Wilson (excellence physical education and health, merit food technology), Cody Woods (excellence art, merit English, mathematics, science, social studies, physical education and health, German).

Herron House:

Merit: Erin Bedford (art), Daniel Bellamy (mathematics, physical education and health), Connor Farrell (social studies, German), Taylor Hansen (physical education and health), Robert Mair (art), Cushla Mowat (Maori), Christopher Myers (English, German), Saksham (Kris) Sharma (physical education and health, design technology), Hinepara Wichman (English).

Highly commended: Eilish Brydie (merit social studies, art, French), Liam Dell (excellence social studies, merit English, physical education and health), Holly Holmes (merit English, mathematics, social studies, art, French), Samantha Hope (merit English, mathematics, science, social studies, physical education and health, food technology, digital technology), Charlotte Morgan (excellence social studies, French, merit English, mathematics, science, physical education and health), Matthew Sheridan (merit mathematics, science, German, music), Kate Sparrow (excellence art, merit English, science, social studies, physical education and health), Bobbi Tracey (excellence English, merit social studies, physical education and health), Bethany Vickers (merit English, mathematics, science, social studies, French).

Ross House:

Merit: Hannah Butler (food technology), Violetta Butler (digital technology), Jade Crane (mathematics), Kelsie King (English), Andrew Robertson (English).

Highly commended: Casey Arnold (merit mathematics, science, social studies, physical education and health, business studies), Kieran Duncan (excellence social studies, merit mathematics, science, design technology), Indy Griffiths (excellence science, business studies, digital technology, merit mathematics, medal for business studies and information technology), Hannah Harrison (merit mathematics, science, social studies, physical education and health, French, music), Amy Hickling (excellence music, merit mathematics, science, food technology), Heagi Kim (excellence music, merit mathematics, art), Samantha Knowles (excellence science, food technology, merit English, mathematics, social studies, physical education and health, art), Regan Lord (excellence design technology), Sarah Teasdale (excellence Maori, merit graphics), Connie Vlietstra (excellence physical education and health, merit English, mathematics, science, social studies, graphics), Daryn Williams (merit English, mathematics, science, social studies, design technology, food technology).

Somerville House:

Merit: Evan Amezcua (mathematics), Michael Craig (mathematics, design technology), Liam Donovan (mathematics), Craig Madigan (business studies), Jayden Ngaro (physical education and health).

Highly commended: Sarah Auckram (excellence art, merit English, science, social studies, food technology), Kieran Cromar (excellence physical education and health, merit science, graphics), Jessica Hitchcox-Cope (merit science, social studies, Maori), Aaron Maharjan (merit mathematics, science, social studies, physical education and health, joint outdoor education), Daniel Peace (excellence social studies, food technology, merit mathematics, science, physical education and health, Japanese), Robert Polak (excellence science, merit mathematics, digital technology), Laura Spencer (excellence mathematics, food technology, German), Gemma Still (excellence mathematics, physical education and health, art, merit English, science, social studies), Joshua Walker (merit mathematics, science, physical education and health, graphics), True Wilson (excellence science, merit social studies, physical education and health, design technology).

General excellence:

Ewan Baker (excellence mathematics, science, design technology, merit English, joint winner cup mathematics), Ethan Fisher (excellence English, mathematics, science, social studies, physical education and health, design technology), Robert Gwynne-Jones (excellence English, mathematics, science, social studies, physical education and health, French, German, joint cup for year 10 mathematics, winner social studies cup, trophy for oral language in junior school, lead and inspire cup best all-round performance), Ruby Lisk (excellence English, mathematics, science, art, merit French), Ricky Loader (excellence English, social studies, German), Misha Pearse (excellence English, science, French, merit mathematics, social studies, physical education and health, music), Emma Rogers-Bromley (excellence mathematics, science, social studies, French, merit food technology), Samantha Shannon (excellence English, science, social studies, physical education and health, French, music, merit mathematics, cup for physical education and health), Gregory Underwood (excellence mathematics, science, social studies, French, merit English, food technology).


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