Skyline Enterprises has been granted non-notified consent by independent commissioner David Clarke for minor extensions to the Skyline Gondola Base Terminal building and the upper terminal building.
Mr Clarke granted consent for the works on November 18, which would see Skyline erect a "small glass canopy roof" with a new ticketing area at the base building.
A new gravel path would also be created around part of the base terminal building.
At Bobs Peak the proposal was to erect a new walkway "structure" for pedestrians and mountain bikers to exit the gondola building on the southern side.
It was also proposed to position a shipping container behind the top terminal building for use as a temporary office for 12 months, from December 10, 2010, to December 9, 2011.
After the consent was granted, the company applied to carry out some minor excavation work at the base of the gondola.
The application sought to undertake earthworks at the west side of the base for an access track on an up-slope barrier of over 1m at Brecon St.
Skyline Enterprises is seeking to excavate, blast and break a total of 45cu m of rock over a total area of 40sq m for an access path under the cableway, generally to be used as access for mountain bikers.
The rock-breaking would be done using a "noise-reduction wrap", with the work to be carried out between 6am and 10am, Monday to Friday.