Dux: Kieran Bunn; proxime accessit: Adam Scott and Hadi Harris.
Senior sporting and cultural
Orion Carey-Clark (junior boys cross-country champion); Jonas Grace (intermediate boys cross-country champion, athletic champion); Rick Leunissen (intermediate boys athletic champion); Oriwia Davis (intermediate girls athletic champion); Rhiannon Prosser (intermediate girls athletic champion, football award, rugby trophy, futsal most improved player); Rebecca Vella-King (intermediate girls cross-country champion, best senior girls hockey player); Patrick Oxley (senior boys cross-country champion); Zane Elliman (senior boys cross-country champion, senior touch award); Amelia Wilson (senior girls cross-country champion, hockey best team member); Damon Cleverley (senior boys athletic champion, basketball trophy most valuable player, national competition basketball trophy, volleyball trophy); Kerron Mamanu (senior girls volleyball trophy); Katherine Ralph (cup girls basketball); Jan Verberne (trophy outstanding basketball player); Jennifer Jeffery (badminton champion); Laurence Stettner (boys ice hockey trophy); Louise Lin (girls hockey most improved player); Grant Bracey-Brown (most improved boys hockey player); Samuel Littleton (hockey club award, orienteering best competitor); Stephanie Speirs (best girl schools orienteering league, service to school sailing); Alastair Cadzow (trophy most valued climber); Finn Butler (cup most valuable fencer); Micaiah Derrett (most improved fencer); Elle Rose Hayward (service to school sailing); Jared Howlett (most improved rower); Hazel Cunliffe (most promising rower); Patrick Dawson (chess champion); Emma Bull (senior B netball most dedicated player); Minetta Oxley (netball most valuable player); Kieran Oswald (cricket batting award); Dylan Linnell-Parker (service to school cricket); Ruth Walker (girls football most improved player); Melissa Johnston (girls football best team member); Amelia Currier (girls futsal golden boot award, most valuable player); Hadi Harris (boys futsal most improved player, First XI football most improved player); Daniel Williamson (boys futsal most valuable player, golden boot futsal, technical excellence senior football, cup association football); Kieran Bunn (cup contribution to speaking and debating); Sophie Gilmore (creative writing award prose); Mary Barnett (creative writing award poetry); Dom Harrison (trophy emerging actor); Jordan Dickson (trophy emerging actor); Mercy Walker (trophy service to school drama); Laura Sell McParlton (excellence in drama cup); Emma Bennet (year 12 drama trophy); Max Sims (Shakespeare performance prize, excellence stagecraft); Allyn Robins (film club award); Heather Bennett (film club award); Jess Elliot (excellence stagecraft); Maya Turei (Shakespeare performance prize, cup drama performance and direction); Cam Vercoe Groenen (choreography award); Bronwyn Wallace (choreography award, trophy best senior contribution to junior drama); Aiden Gall (memorial cup best all-rounder in drama, choreography award); Katherine Ralph (memorial drama cup); Harriet Love (excellence year 11 musical performance); Rowena Rushton-Green (award string playing); Mary Barnett (award orchestral music); Sam Vennell (band playing); Rosalind Manowitz (award woodwind playing, world music trophy, excellence year 12 musical performance); Keegan Burrow (award choral music); Victoria Larsen (cup brass playing, service to school music); Rory MacMurdo (award jazz combo music); Hazel Cunliffe (excellence contemporary music); Luke Shield (melodic award melodic improvisation); Finn Butler (award musical performance, chamber music, composition, service to school music); Ryan Shaw (service to Tikanga Maori); Riria Hapuku Te Nahu-Manu (service to Tikanga Maori); Ben Coffey (librarian award); Amirah Ahmad Sabry (service to international friendship); Finn Campbell(service to school sport); Kerron Mamanu (service to school sport); Hazel Cunliffe (service to school sport), Jessica Hohaia (service to school drama).
Year 11
Jake Adamson (excellence applied English); Robbie Anderson (merit applied science); Arnika Barr (excellence applied mathematics); Samantha Buckby (merits Latin, science); Merlin Callister (excellence information technology); Orion Carey Clark (merit drama, English); Ryan Carroll (scholarship materials technology wood, merit applied mathematics, physical education); Ben Coffey (excellence accounting, mathematics); Nada Crofskey-Rayner (scholarship graphics, excellence art, graphics, merit food technology, information technology); Jordan Dickson (merit drama, English, information technology); Peita Ferens-Green (excellence history, merit art, English, French, mathematics, science); Troy Figgins (merit materials technology wood); Nicole Frew (merit graphics); Rhian Gaffney (award for English, excellence science, merit history, mathematics); Perry Goldsmith-Monk (English dept prize); Nita Hynes (merit science); Majd Issa (excellence materials technology wood); Katrina Lamont (excellence English, merit drama, history); Crystal Lay (excellence mathematics, merit music); Cowan Levey (merit physical education); Benjamin Llewellyn (merit applied mathematics); Marlina Lobitz (excellence drama, merit English, fabrics technology, geography, science); Harriet Love (excellence music, science, merit English, history, mathematics); Amelia McManus (excellence food technology); Katharine McManus (excellence geography, merit art, mathematics, science); Gareth McMullen (excellence French, Latin, merit English); Emelia Mixter (excellence English, historical research); Kieran Oswald (excellence German); Jarod Penaia (excellence applied science, merit applied English, applied mathematics); Rachel Spencer (merit art); Benedict Stewart (merit music); Ilish Thomas (excellence fabric technology); Pauline Timmermann (merit food technology, mathematics, science); Phuong Trang (merit accounting); Rebecca Vella-King (merit history); Mercy Walker (scholarship food technology); Ruth Whiunui (merit food technology).
Year 12
Nathan Arthur (merit career pathways); Mary Barnett (merit German); Emma Bennet (excellence senior mathematics and science, merit biology, drama); Grant Bracey-Brown (excellence information technology, merit history); Emma Bull (merit biology); Patrick Dawson (merit year 13 calculus, chemistry, English); Tammuz Downie (excellence career pathways); Hamish Eady (merit information technology); Casey Figgins (excellence gateway, merit food technology); Jessica Foster (excellence fabric technology, merit food technology, general mathematics); Chloe Goddard (memorial prize information technology); Cherice Green (excellence food technology); Elle-Rose Hayward (merit materials technology wood); Julian Hebebrand (excellence ESOL); Mitchell Henderson (merit music); Hana Hoskins (excellence art, drama, English, media studies); Jared Howlett (merit general mathematics); Nibras Issa (merit automotive engineering); Eve Kennedy (English dept prize, excellence French, Maori, merit history); Rick Leunissen (merit biology, graphics, physics); Arnaud Leurquin (excellence historical research); Louise Lin (merit chemistry, English, mathematics); Jasper Menzies (merit art, physical education); Charles Mornin (excellence German); Xanthe Naylor (merit art); Greta Norrish (merit art); Georgina O'Reilly (excellence Latin, merit French, history, media studies); Rhiannon Prosser (merit physical education); Allyn Robins (cup excellence English, excellence physics, merit media studies); Shahne Rodgers (excellence biology, history, mathematics, merit English, French); Christian Ross (merit career pathways); Rowena Rushton-Green (excellence music, merit chemistry, English, physics); Dylan Shepherd (merit automotive engineering, general mathematics, graphics); Connor Sherson (merit mathematics, physics); Quinn Thorsnes (merit Latin); David Town-Treweek (merit gateway); James Tregonning (merit drama, English); Sam Vennell (excellence competition mathematics, excellence chemistry, year 13 calculus, merit music, physics); Ruth Walker (merit history); Amelia Wilson (merit fabric technology, general mathematics).
Year 13
Amirah Ahmad Sabry (merit accounting, drama); Edward Allan (excellence year 12 applied English); Hannah Beattie (merit painting, photography); Kieran Bunn (cup excellence English, excellence biology, chemistry, history, physics); Finn Butler (excellence music, merit calculus, chemistry, English, physics); Alastair Cadzow (merit classical studies, physics); Stephen Campbell (merit physical education); Maggie Campbell-Hunt (merit media studies); Ryan Collins (excellence French, merit statistics); Alexander Craig (merit classical studies); Oriwia Davis (merit statistics); Matthew Dunbar (merit university entrance English); Nhung Duong Hong (excellence senior mathematics and science, merit ESOL, mathematics); Jess Elliot (excellence drama, merit painting); Jonas Grace (merit physical education); Joao Gusmao (merit ESOL); Hadi Harris (excellence classical studies, historical research, merit biology, chemistry); Reuben Henderson (scholarship literature); Bailey Henry (merit gateway); Jason Hodge (excellence information technology); Charlotte Ibbotson (English dept prize); Hayato Ikeda (merit year 11 ESOL); Jennifer Jeffery (merit classical studies, economics, history); Victoria Larsen (merit history); Max Lequeux (cup excellence foreign languages, excellence German, media studies); Feb Limpodom (merit year 12 applied English); Samuel Littleton (merit graphics); Samuel Longmore (excellence photography); Rory MacMurdo (merit photography); Renee Morris (excellence gateway); Tina Nguyen (merit food technology); Bud Oliver (merit gateway, year 12 applied English); Aaron Richardson (excellence university entrance English, merit drama, information technology); Sarah Robertson (excellence fabric technology); Georgia Rose (merit English); Adam Scott (memorial prize excellence senior mathematics, prize communication, prize excellence statistical research, excellence statistics, merit physics); Tamlyn Somerford (award excellence painting, merit English); Nina Stadler Reid (merit German); Juri Takagi (excellence ESOL, merit food technology); Giang Truong (merit food technology); Alexander Van Der Linde (excellence graphics); Bronwyn Wallace (merit media studies); Shunya Yago (excellence year 11 ESOL).
Special awards
Victoria Larsen, Ryan Shaw, Kieran Bunn, Finn Butler (service to school); Bronwyn Wallace, Alastair Cadzow (citizenship award).