Probe into rogue traders at Lions games

Highlanders players celebrate after their victory over the Lions in Dunedin last night. Photo Getty
Highlanders players celebrate after their victory over the Lions in Dunedin last night. Photo Getty
Authorities are investigating several people for selling unauthorised merchandise at Lions games in New Zealand, after items were seized and police called.

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment [MBIE] has been monitoring venues for all of the Lions series matches and said despite the small group busted, there had been "low levels of ambush marketing".

Up to four people were caught selling counterfeit merchandise outside Forsyth Barr Stadium, in Dunedin, before the Highlanders v Lions match last night.

The series has been declared a "major event" under the Major Events Management Act 2007 which restricts trading and advertising within direct proximity to match venues.

"MBIE is currently investigating a small number of incidents involving the sale of merchandise that have an unauthorised association with the Lions Series," says Iain Cossar, MBIE's GM Tourism, Sectors, Regions and Cities.

"Three to four individuals have been seen selling unauthorised goods in both Christchurch and Dunedin before the Lions series matches. MBIE, with the support of Police, has seized goods from these individuals in both locations. We are currently investigating these incidents as MBIE has responsibility for enforcing the Act."

Cossar said there was a lot at stake generating around 20,000 international visitors, 431,000 international visitor bed nights, and having a GDP impact of $135 million.

Cossar hopes fans will steer clear of people selling unofficial tour product.

"The sale of these types of goods directly exploit the event and may impact on New Zealand's reputation as a world-class major event host," he said.

"MBIE will continue to take a no-tolerance approach to the sale of unauthorised goods that exploit the Lions Series and will continue to work closely with local council's and other government agencies to stop this activity."

Under the Act, Lions Series sponsors have protections from unauthorised commercial exploitation of the event, specifically including: unauthorised association with the event, ticket-scalping, trading in a clean zone, and advertising in, or visible from, a clean zone.

The Act is designed so that New Zealand's economy gets maximum benefit from major events like the Lions Series.

 - additional reporting NZME

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