Volunteer drivers counting cost of gas

Jeanette Scott (65) loads up her car before delivering Meals on Wheels lunches around Dunedin...
Jeanette Scott (65) loads up her car before delivering Meals on Wheels lunches around Dunedin this week. Photo by Peter McIntosh.
Pain at the pump is affecting people's wallets and their willingness to volunteer, agencies say.

Volunteer agencies throughout Otago say they have always struggled to attract drivers, but increasing petrol prices have made recruitment and retention difficult.

"The reward of volunteering is not a monetary one, but the increase in petrol prices has made it harder to attract drivers," Volunteering Otago manager Susie Yeats said.

Volunteering Otago had more than 200 volunteer positions on its books, with drivers accounting for 10 positions and "these were the least likely to be filled".

Reimbursement costs for drivers were last increased more than four year ago and, with the increase in petrol prices, this would have to be reviewed, she said.

"We are also noticing people want to volunteer closer to where they live.

"In the past, it wasn't an issue to volunteer and drive somewhere else. Now, it is."

Clutha District Council community co-ordinator Irene Mosley said the situation was worse for volunteers in regional areas.

"In an area like Balclutha, we rely heavily on volunteers.

"Increasing petrol prices might mean that people volunteer closer to their home to save on costs."

Age Concern Otago executive officer Susan Davidson said volunteers were a huge benefit to the community but "volunteering comes at a huge cost to volunteers".

The organisation did not pay mileage costs, and in recent weeks had fielded several calls from people concerned about fuel costs, she said.

"We are aware it has become quite tough, particularly for people who may be older volunteers themselves."

To minimise fuel bills, Age Concern had Meals on Wheels pick-up points at various city locations and planned the most economic routes for volunteers, she said.

Presbyterian Support director of communication and fund-raising Lisa Wells said the organisation paid mileage to volunteers.

"Many people donate that straight back to us, but there are now people who say they might need to accept it."


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