Paul David Bailey (51) was to appear before the New Zealand Parole Board on August 23, but decided not to appear or be represented by a lawyer telling the board he ``could not be bothered'' attending.
``Mr Bailey has been convicted of terrible crimes against a range of victims,'' the board said in its August 23 decision on how long to postpone his next hearing.
The decision was released today.
Although Bailey completed a programme for child sex offenders, he was ``exited'' from the graduates' group and had been wait-listed to undertake an extended period of individual psychological treatment for a period of two years, then would need to complete further ``reintegrative'' activities before release, it said.
``On the best case scenario, this proc
ess will take at least four years, if not longer. It depends upon the availability of psychological treatment and Mr Bailey's engagement in it.
``His message to the board today suggests a complete lack of commitment to change.''
The board declined Bailey's parole in April, and was meeting this time to discuss postponing his next hearing.
It was satisfied there were grounds to make a postponement order of the maximum period of five years, it said.
Bailey will next come up for parole on April 26, 2021.
He has been in prison for 25 years for the murder of Kylie (15) on November 1, 1991.