Waipara School combines pet day with agri kids

Stevie and Biddy Carter feeding lamb Jewel
Stevie and Biddy Carter feeding lamb Jewel
Kyla Trethowen with goat Oreo
Kyla Trethowen with goat Oreo
Madison Preddy with dog Dixie
Madison Preddy with dog Dixie
Victor and Archer Sparks with their dog
Victor and Archer Sparks with their dog
Sophie Barton with dog Hope
Sophie Barton with dog Hope
Greg Curtis, Statesman Tunnicliffe with dog Teddy
Greg Curtis, Statesman Tunnicliffe with dog Teddy
Cat painting by Zhara Danopen Sagpatan
Cat painting by Zhara Danopen Sagpatan
Sheep cake by Madison Preddy and family
Sheep cake by Madison Preddy and family
Shearing demonstration by Adams Shearing
Shearing demonstration by Adams Shearing

This year, Waipara School combined Pet day with an Agri Kids competition for the first time.

Alongside students bringing their much loved pets to school, dressed up pets and lamb drinking competition, the school was a hive of activity with colouring competitions, biscuit decorating, sand saucer and sand scape making alongside many efforts from home including animal art, animal photography, lego, cakes and more.

Families and staff even got into the swing of the day with Family Entries and Adult Colouring.

The day kicked off with a very educational shearing demonstration from Adams Shearing. Children enjoyed being able to explore and pretend to drive the tractor and drill.

A popular addition to the day was an Agri Kids rotation competition.

Students worked in their house groups with older students supporting younger students to complete activities. Challenges included labeling parts of a tractor and drill, identifying different seeds, building a planter box, sorting wool, setting up a wool bag, creating a cardboard flock of sheep, putting on a horse halter, measuring dog food and other agricultural tasks.

Congratulations to all of the participants but especially:
CHAMPION AGRI KIDS: Nate Hurinui and Loki Harmon

Waipara School wishes to thank Kirsty from North Canterbury Vets who judged for us, Waipara CLAAS Harvest Centre, NZ Young Farmers and Adams Shearing for helping us create a magical day!

- Pauline White