Canada's immigration site crashes

Internal server error page that appears when accessing the Immigration Canada site. Photo: Twitter
Internal server error page that appears when accessing the Immigration Canada site. Photo: Twitter
Error page that is seen when you visit the Canada's immigration website. Photo: Twitter
Error page that is seen when you visit the Canada's immigration website. Photo: Twitter

As the results for the US Presidential election come in showing Donald Trump in the lead, Canada's immigration website appears to have crashed.

Immigration Canada's website now shows a "connection error" when an attempt is made to access the site.

Accessing another main page of the website displays "500 internal server error".

Maybe some Americans were serious when they threatened they would move to Canada if the Republican presidential candidate became successful in his often polarizing campaign for the White House.

Canada's main immigration website appeared to suffer repeated outages as Trump took the lead in several major states and his prospects for winning the US presidency turned markedly higher.

Officials for the ministry could not immediately be reached for comment, but the website's problems were noted by many on Twitter.

Nick Bilton on Twitter said "Where we stand right now: DOW futures are down 750. The dollar is plummeting. And Canada’s immigration website just crashed."

House of Lies actor Ben Schwartz "I was gonna write this as a joke but found out it was real. "The Canada Citizenship and Immigration site crashed around 8 PM".


Additional reporting by Reuters.

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