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From Saddle Hill, I could see smoke drifting across the Taieri. I was settling in to photograph when the trees behind this house erupted in flame. The choppers moved in and doused the flames, allowing them to head back to the main fire.

The leaping lamb is just the icing on the cake. Photographed into the light through coloured leaves, this typical action of a happy lamb puts the smile into this spring image.

Hilary Calvert was happy to put her body in the firing line to publicise her idea of renaming Logan Park Dr Brendon McCullum Dr. With some nice action from Hilary and a convenient gust of wind at the same time the idea was elevated to front-page display.

Jade MacMillan was the first baby born in the Otago Regional Rescue Helicopter. On her 15th birthday rescue helicopter pilot Graeme Gale made good on a promise to her mother after the delivery. ''When she turns 15, I'll teach her to fly a helicopter.''

Imagine my delight on a quiet news (but very windy) day when I happened across this Pomeranian on John Wilson Ocean Dr. Thor (the dog), didn't mind either the wind or being photographed.

The tuatara keeper at the Southland Museum uses forceps to feed this tuatara. His eyesight is failing, as he apparently has trouble distinguishing huhu grubs from fingers.
Otago Daily Times photographer Stephen Jaquiery shares his favourite shots of 2014.
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