Shania Morado

Shania arrived in Balclutha from her native Philippines with her family in 2015, and said she had been on a journey of personal growth since that time.
"I was quite a shy and self-contained person in year 9, but over the years I’ve become a lot more confident and open to challenges.
"I’m very aware of those students who don’t necessarily get to showcase their talents, so as head girl, I try to open a gateway for them to staff and student leaders."
A self-described "all-rounder", she had inclined towards the sciences more recently.
"I have an inner theatre kid too, and enjoyed performing at Rockquest with a friend earlier this year. I enjoy public speaking and theatre too."
She said a scholarship trip to Wellington for the Festival for the Future earlier this year had given her a "different mindset" about her future.
"I built some interesting connections in Wellington, and I’d now like to take part in some outreach programmes in Third World countries, perhaps through dentistry."
A bit of old-fashioned sibling rivalry had led to another big passion: basketball.
"My brother was also captain at school, and used to challenge me to play at home. You could say I caught it from him," she joked.
She said news of the Class Act award had brought tears to her mum’s eyes.
"I didn’t think I’d be chosen alongside so many high achievers. We had a good cry together."
Achievements: Head girl (2022); Level 2 merit endorsement for English; NCEA Level 1 merit endorsement for art; diligence for geography (2020); excellence for science (2020); Science Roadshow Explainer Certificate (2019); merit in English (2019); excellence for art (2019); merit for PE (2019); speech competition Walker Cup (2018); food tech diligence (2018); PB4L badges: Bronze and silver excellence, bronze respect, bronze and silver perseverance (2018); merit for English, science and PE (2018); hosting events; best talent for singing (2017); vocal group (2018-20); talent quest (2021); junior and senior productions; basketball cup, team captain and MVP (2021); badminton (2020); volleyball (2022); Level 4 pre-hospital care for dental professional resuscitation; rest-home volunteer (2021-22); assisting with dental procedures, including surgical.
Role model: Audrey Hepburn, a model of elegance and good nature; and my mum, the strongest person I’ve ever known.
Hopes for the future: To study dentistry at Otago University, and do Third World outreach.
Fraser McAtamney

The world may have moved on a bit from "red sky at night", but everyone remains affected by the day-to-day weather.
Having been brought up on a Clydevale sheep and beef farm, Fraser McAtamney is perhaps more aware of that than most.
"I’ve been interested in the weather and climate for a long time now. It’s something you can track online in a lot of detail.
"I’m probably known by my friends as the go-to weatherman, as I’ve got about 10 weather apps on my phone."
The South Otago High School deputy head boy wants to take his passion for precipitation all the way to the top.
"I’d like to be a meteorologist one day. It’s an important time to be working in the whole field of climate and the environment."
An initial step along that path would be to study physics — his favourite subject — at the University of Otago next year.
"I just find the ideas and concepts pretty interesting. It’s the science of everything."
For modern-day scientists, communicating your ideas is of paramount importance, and the South Otago teenager is no stranger to stepping up to the platform.
"I’m into acting and musical theatre.
"I just like performing for people, and have done since I was younger."
Those stage skills had translated into several leadership roles within the school, including leading charitable and cultural events such as 40-Hour Famine, Human Rights Week, and Pink Shirt and Neurodiversity Celebration days.
Fraser hoped he could one day employ his communication and scientific skills to bring about positive change in the world.
"We need to look at climate change more carefully, from a scientific perspective. It’s a very emotional issue right now. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always lead to the best solutions."
Achievements: Level 1 excellence endorsement including maths and geography, merit in science and English; Level 2 excellence endorsement, merit endorsement for chemistry, algebra, physics and drama; Academic Blue (2020/21); CEO of Young Enterprise Group Happy Hives (2021); lead roles in senior and junior productions; vocal and theatre sports groups; 40-Hour Famine student leader (2021); Human Rights Week leader (Pride and 40 Hour Famine, 2022); Pink Shirt Day and Neurodiversity Celebration Day leader (2022); deputy head boy and school council member (2022).
Role model: My parents — they’ve always been involved in the community, and have encouraged me to do the same.
Hopes for the future: To become a meteorologist.